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The Sisterhood of Temple Beth El is a vibrant, active group of women, who are directly involved in the daily life of our Synagogue. Although our membership is diverse, our common bond as Conservative Jewish women unites us in our dedication to the values of traditional Judaism in the home, synagogue and community.

Our programming each year is varied and may include such things as a movie night, a mitzvah mixer supporting named charities, our famous Chanukah lunch and bake sale and various educational programs.

Our Sisterhood publishes a comprehensive membership directory  which includes  names and addresses of our members as well as  important information such as dates of  the Jewish holidays and Shabbat candle lighting times for the coming year.

We also publish a  “Book of Remembrance” in which  members can list the names of their loved ones who are no longer with us. This is used for all 4 Yizkor services during the year, beginning with Yom Kippur.

We are very proud of our Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop, the premier shop of its kind in the state. Our Judaica Gift Shop is available anytime the office is open. Your purchases for life cycle events, hostess gifts, or your own home come back to the synagogue in our budget allocations.

Our state-of-the-art kosher kitchens are available for all Synagogue functions, and remain busy throughout the year.

Temple Beth El’s children are a top priority for Sisterhood, and it is our pleasure to supply them with funds for Camp Ramah Darom scholarships, youth activities, and the needs of our Religious School. We host a yearly Chanukah luncheon, and our annual fundraiser is the highlight of the year.

Of course, as members of the Women’s League of Conservative Judaism, we support the Jewish Theological Seminary and the Masorti movement.

For more information regarding our Sisterhood, please call the office at 205-933-2740.


How to Join

Sisterhood dues are only $36 per year. Mail a check with your name, address, phone and email to:

TBE Sisterhood
P.O. Box 550220
Birmingham, AL 35255


Sisterhood Funds

Sisterhood thanks Bobbie Sokol for establishing the Deborah Botnik Baby Blanket Knitting Fund. The purpose of this fund is to purchase baby yarn for our knitters who knit baby blankets. These blankets will be included in our Beth El Baby Baskets. If you would like to contribute to this fund or other Sisterhood funds, including the Virginia Heiman Gift Shop Fund and Sisterhood Flower Fund, please make a check out to Sisterhood of TBE or click here. Be sure to specify the Sisterhood Fund to which you are contributing.



Leagrams can be used in place of commercial greeting cards for congratulatory messages, expressions of sympathy, etc. Each Leagram is $3. For purchasing information, please email Karen Halpern.


The Torah Fund

When you give to Torah Fund, you help fortify the future of Conservative Judaism and the Jewish people.When you give to Torah Fund, you acknowledge the outstanding ways our rabbis, cantors, chaplains, educators, social workers, Jewish professionals and camp staff provide essential care, services and guidance to our communities and strengthen the core of Conservative Judaism.

Join and help raise much needed funds!  As a thank you, I will drop off a gift packet that contains this year’s Torah Fund pin and a surprise gift.


Benefactor – $180
Guardian – $300 (pin has a pearl)
Associate Patron – $600 (pin has a ruby)
Patron – $1200

We gladly accept all major credit cards or you may remit by check.

Thank you for your consideration,

Arlene Fisher, Torah Fund Chair

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785